Scoring in martial arts level of competition is completely subjective and exactly what occurs following the very first strike does not matter to the effect of the scoring of the exchange. Therefore we have seen martial arts competitors jump all over the sparring floor with unequaled speed, land their strike, then stand in range with their hands on their own thigh, actively playing up their position to judges offering very little respect for their opponent's come back.


Not everyone knows this but Bruce Lee never fought in any competitions!
It is my brother who introduced me to martial arts when I was 12 years old, since he himself was practicing Jiu-Jitsu, and he told me to try and learn Muay Thai or even Karate so he will have someone to spar with, and also try practicing the Mixed Martial arts in time because he wanted to join the MMA tournaments in the near future.
I chose taekwondo because it was something I had always watched in movies and I was intrigued about this martial arts. My brother supported me in this by buying me my own martial arts equipment especially my sparring gear (I bought my sparring gear at ) to be able to train in Karate, and he also looked for a good studio for me to enroll in. That was more than 4 years ago, and now I am already a black belter in karate while he is also at the same level in Jiu Jitsu, and the fun thing is that we are able to practice out martial arts together and use the martial arts equipment together too. We are able to spar and know the differences in our martial arts, and we are able to improve our skills way better. 

Though it may be  more than 3 or 4 years away before we can join legal fights since 18 is the minimum age level requirement, we are glad to just be able to hone our skills, and we might also be planning to learn some more martial arts aside from the ones we already know. This way come the time we are legal to join the tournaments already, we will have more experience and more knowledge of different martial arts which might prove to be the winning formula for us in the future. For now, we will focus more in developing our skills to further better it.

These days, there are so many people who are getting involved in martial arts and karate. This is the reason why there are also a lot of people who are looking for the right gear for their style. If you do not have any idea where you can get the martial arts supplies that you need for the contact sport that you are into, then you should know that there are so many local sports houses that can offer you the stuff that you need.

If you need sparring gear head on over to this company. They have all kinds of sparring equipment for just about any style.

Moreover, there are also a lot of online stores that can provide you the supplies that you need. It is really important that you get the martial arts supplies fitting for your contact sport so that you can have the proper support while you are doing so. So if you want to be protected and supported while you are doing your favorite martial arts, then you should be getting the best gear now.